The Law Library’s robust 70,000 volume collection consists primarily of California and Federal statutes, codes, cases, regulations, practice materials, and research references. In addition, we support a self-help collection, including a wide variety of Nolo titles, designed to assist non-attorneys working on their own legal matters.
The Law Library also offers access to LexisNexis Digital Library free of use to all registered patrons, which provides access to our catalog of LexisNexis publications.
The Law Library offers Lexis/Shepards Online access within the law library. See Online Resources for more information about these databases.
The EBSCO Legal Information Center is available inside and outside the library. It offers online access to Nolo and other self-help titles. Click here for access.
Username: ca Password: ventura
Public Computers:
The Law Library provides ten public computers with access to the Internet and Microsoft Office Suite for the convenience of library patrons. Printing is available for 20¢ a page. Please note our computer use policy.
Located on one stand alone computer, the Dissomaster has been provided by the Ventura County Superior Court. This program is used for calculating spousal and child support under California family law and tax codes. The software has been approved by the Judicial Council of California for use in all state courts. A printer is available free of charge.
The Law Library offers free public wi-fi. Please see the front desk for a password.
The Law Library offers two public copy machines. Copies are 20¢ a page for letter-sized black & white copies, 25¢ a page for letter-sized color copies, and 25¢ for legal-sized copies.
Office Supplies, Flash Drives:
Some office supplies (envelopes, etc.) and flash drives are available for sale. See staff for prices.
Used Books:
The Law Library sells a limited number of superseded and/or discarded titles. Please see staff for prices. Donations of legal titles in good condition are accepted during open hours.
The primary mission of the Ventura County Law Library is to provide citizens of Ventura County access to legal reference materials on state, federal and international statutes, case law and supporting materials. The Library does provide guidance and direction to selected legal sites from its web page. The Library offers public access to the Internet. Users are expected to use the Internet in a responsible manner and follow all Library rules established for its use. The policies stated here are designed to ensure easy access to the service by all patrons.
Unfortunately, not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, current or complete information. The Ventura County Law Library is not responsible for any damages, losses, or invasions of privacy related to the use of the Internet. THIS POLICY ADOPTED AS MODIFIED BY THE VENTURA COUNTY LAW LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES, SEPTEMBER 10, 2018 |